Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Birwatching from my very own Rooftop

The Cock Sparrow comes for a drink...
Those of us who ‘watch’, are delighted to see the number of visitors in our gardens, rooftops, trees, window-sills or balconies.

I mean BIRDS – bird visitors.
NOIDA is blessed by a myriad of kinds of feathered friends. Last summer, some of us birdwatchers gathered on my rooftop to do a bird count, and this is how it went on that single morning:
Time: 5:30 am.
            Physical Support: Tea and biscuits!
            Equipment: a pair of Nikon binoculars, three cameras, a tripod and our very own trusty eyes.

First Visitors: Yellow-footed Green Pigeon and three more of the same feathers for company. Second Visitors: a few Cock Sparrows and a few hens. Third Visitors: A flock of Red-vented Bulbuls. Fourth Visitors: The usual flights of Blue Rock Pigeons. Fifth Visitors: ‘Seven Sisters’ the Jungle Babblers. And then there were Brown-headed Barbets, a Coppersmith, four  Doves, a screechy lot of Alexandrine Parakeets in random flight, a Purple Sunbird and mate, Brown Rock-chats and finally, to top the list, Tailorbirds to remind us of Rudyard Kipling's Darzee.

Wow! So many feathers fluttering in frenzy around my own dwelling in the cool early hours of a summer morning!

Well, NOIDA boasts of its own Okhla Bird Park where I often spot Mr Anand Arya an avid birder on his regular birding walks. Commander K. B. Singh also a keen enthusiast haunts the Yamuna wetlands regularly.

A few years ago, the Delhi government in desperation to save the House Sparrow, declared this mighty miniature as its State Bird. I have happened to attract six pairs last year and they enjoy the bajra seeds I put out for them. They are now permanent visitors at my place. Watering my garden every morning I find delighted little Sunbirds hovering around to catch the droplets from the giant leaves of the creeper which has caught the spray from the garden hose.
Mind you, the list already mentioned is only of the birds we spotted on that single morning. On other days Hoopoes, Shikras, Egrets, Pariah Kites, House Crows, Rock-chats, Koels and many more species drop by. 
She nested above my fan  in the balcony -- stayed all summer...and didn't allow me to use the ceiling fan !
Yellow-footed Green Pigeon caught in flight.
She was planning something in the Ashoka tree.
The Red-vented Bulbul shared this perch with other birds.
She almost ate out of my hand.
He owns the place!
Purple Sunbird shares a common perch.
...takes off after his territorial song... 
Lovey, Dovey Laughing Doves -- Permanent Residents. 
Noisy Jungle Babblers.
A gathering of crows.
Crow guarding its nest, just across the road.
Brown-headed Barbet
Another Barbet.
The Coppersmith Barbet makes his announcements.
Asian Koel-in-waiting.
Precariously perched Brown  Rock-chat.
Another Brown Rock-chat
"Polly put the kettle on, we'll all have tea..."
Shikra with prey.
My Gulmohar in full bloom.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Hari Ho….Gati Meri

Hari Ho….Gati Meri

Muslim Poets in Love of Krishna

A Kathak Solo By Gauri Diwakar

Maurice Ryder Photography
Gauri Diwakar
Tha Kathak Solo by Gauri Diwakar titled “Hari Ho….Gati Meri”, was staged at Shri Ram Centre, New Delhi on Friday, 15th January, 2016. The choreographer Aditi Mangaldas wrote, “Muslim Poets writing about Krishna does’t invoke in me a sense of greatness of the Hindu religion.  I don’t care to dwell on questions about a minority community looking for patronage or favours from the majority community. To me what is important is that Krishna is a concept that lends itself to vibrant and vivid imagination, inspiring some fantastic poetry, sculpture, art, architecture, dance …the list is endless!! It makes Krishna not a God, man or woman, but a totally inspiring and stimulating imagination. An imagination that can flourish in anyone’s mind, in a Muslim, Hindu, Christian poet’s mind. In a child and an old persons mind, in an Indian and a non Indian mind. I view the whole philosophy or person of Krishna an imagination  that more often is so much greater than knowledge. It spoke through the Muslim poets who wrote with abandon and passion, a courageous act. To me, this talks of breaking barriers, of pulling down walls and of a sense of inclusion and togetherness.”

“Hari Ho.…Gati Meri” is sourced from the lines of poet Sayyad Mubarak Ali Bilgrami. A Muslim by faith his poetry reflected love for Krishna. Bilgrami is not the only one he is part of the living tradition of shared heritage and oneness.
“Hari Ho….Gati Meri” (Let my salvation be in the Supreme) is a statement of “You”.  It is a search for salvation, for truth, and for beauty.
“Is the Melody emerging out of Krishna’s flute, a message beckoning to eternal life, or the fount of ever-increasing knowledge?”
We have become one, yet we remain separate. You blue, me gold! You radiant, me in repose! You dynamic, me graceful! You tender, me passionate! You beauty, me truth! You me, me you. You Krishna, me Radha. Me Radha you Krishna!
Vocals and Harmonium: Samiullah Khan 
Tabla: Yogesh Gangani. 
Pankhawaj: Ashish Gangani Flute: Kiran kumar. Padhant: Mohit Gangani. 
Poets: Maulana Sayyad Fazlul Hasan “Hasrat”, Malik Muhammad Jayasi, Mian Wahid Ali and Sayyad Mubarak Ali Bilgrami.
 Photography: Maurice Ryder
Vocals and Harmonium: Samiullah Khan 
Hari Ho…. Gati Meri. I search you elsewhere, ignorant me! Waiting, waiting and letting life go by, while you reside within the deepest core of me. Let my senses be open to you, within me.
I hear the flute,       
I see the melody,
 I feel the love!
“I am emersed in you, like a drop of water that dissolves in the ocean.
Gauri Diwakar, one of India’s best young talents, her graceful moves, striking facial expression along with her powerful presence on the stage, leaves her audiences spellbound. A kathak dancer par excellence. Awarded: ‘Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puruskar’ by the Sangeet Natak Akademi – India’s National Academy for music, dance and drama. Her skills were further perfected under the tutelage of the renowned Pandit Birju Maharaj and Shri Jai Kishan Maharaj at the National Capital’s Kathak Kendra.